John Albers

BS/MS Student Northwestern University

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SEC EDGAR Filer Scrapermore_vert



The SEC EDGAR database provides anyone with free access to financial information of companies. Initially, this project was to collect information about companies that had recently IPO'd. This freelance work will eventually be wrapped in a GUI interface, so users can download recent EDGAR data, according to their specifications.

ETH Zürich Barrelfish IP/UDP Stackmore_vert



In Fall 2018, I wrote an IP/UDP Stack for a fork of the Barrelfish Operating System. The system will respond to PING and ECHO requests, and will allow processes to receive and send UDP packets. Furthermore, due to the nature of Barrelfish, I had to account for the individual routing of packets across cores, as all packets would initially be handled by the Bootstrapping core, but may need to be routed to a process currently running on a different core. The implementation was among the best in the class, and did particularly well in responding to Ping Floods.

Rust Parcheesimore_vert



For Spring 2018, I was fortunate enough to work with the very talented Sarah Lim on a fully-featured Parcheesi implementation in the Rust Programming Language. The application is fully-networked and provides automated players, so you don't get bored!

Fixed Point Distributionmore_vert



Sometime computer systems are arithmetically constrained, be it due to a lack of a Floating Point Unit or an unwillingness to use estoeric Floating Point in the first place. However, access to statistical distributions tend to be very helpful in sampling and may be required by application on the system. However, these distributions to use Floating Point Arithmetic. Here, I present a Work-In-Progress Fixed Point Distribution library. Currently, only 32.32 fixed point numbers are support with an exponential distribution.

Tools and Experience

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